Tuesday, December 31, 2013

John Swallow steps down, more dirt to fly?

The John Swallow Saga has had many weird twists, turns, and curve balls. This is almost of unheard of in Utah politics being a dominate Republican state being that John Swallow was a republican.  I think it's sad that fellow lawmakers took this long to step up only after dragging their feet to start a House Investigation.

Tim Lawson is the only person involved in this scandal to be indicted. I believe there will be more indictments to come as John Swallow and Mark Shurtleff have been awfully quiet in recent weeks trying to cover tracks and decide who to chuck under the wheels themselves. Jason Powers has been a huge question mark on the investigation and could be another card, like Lawson that brings the whole house down.

Tim Lawson, the first to be charged int he Swallow Saga

Governor Herbert still have questions to be answered as well.... I find it funny his LT Gov resigns, one of his top staffers resigns, The Attorney General resigns, and you have to wonder how deep his hands go into the scandal? I  know the Division of Consumer Protections is involved and probably is the more powerful card of the bunch. Obviously Traci Gundersen is whistle blowing. This whole scandal is a mess and a lot of top officials could be in a world of hurt. Only time will tell, and this House Investigation needs to continue!

Ryan Scott Jensen

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

John swallow and ex cons?

Salt Lake City weekly reports


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Rudy the back scratching dog


This is an awesome video of Rudy the black lab scratching his back. This is the coolest thing I've seen. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mark shurtleff and John swallow vacation.


Johns swallow and Francine Gianni's marriage?

I personally believe all 3 top Utah agencies are married and politically shitting in the same sand box. "They shit where they eat"

Channel 2 news and Matt gephart speak with traci gunderson about the back lash she would get from the director of the division of consumer protections, the attorney generals office and whom knows else politically if she filed a complaint a year ago against the political power and then deputy attorney general john swallow. 

It's a sad day for Utah politics, and even
More so for the citizens of Utah. 


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Terror in Boston

It's been  2 weeks since the Terror and bombs in Boston. There seems to be more questions and a never ending trail of them at this point then there really is in answers.

A lot of attention obviously points to two brothers Tamerlan Tsarnaev  and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Tamerian Was 26 and Dzhokhar who is 19.

I am not here to talk about the bombers and glorify them any more then the media, news and other social media outlets do.

Lets focus healing. Improving from here. It's sad we can't have a major event anywhere without having to worry if we are going to get shot, blown up, or killed.

I think this was a horrible tragedy. Just like the one in Waco Texas among many others recently. We forget in this Boston Terror, An officer was killer, by a gun. There was a shoot out for 5 minutes with over 200 rounds popping off. I hope this sparks more gun control conversations as it's more than just bombs, terrorists, and jihad-ists.

I am NOT talking about taking away US citizens guns, I am talking about restricting the ammo, maybe make the process a little more rigorous? MORE Background checks? That's a different rant for later.

I mean I saw an article the other Day on KSL about how they were wanting to crack down on youth for graffiti and how they can buy certain markers and tips or paint at a certain age. I understand it's a bad problem, but we have bigger problems obviously.

I mean if we can get down to those knit picking things, then we can do something about bomb chemicals, background checks, guns, ammunition, human trafficking and a lot of the self inflicted pain we have put on ourselves.

You hope through all this non sense and violence that only a city with  deep Roots and so much history get stronger "Boston Strong" and grows from here. You hope to see the world grow and gain some peace and it's unfortunate that terrible events like this seems to be the only reason most people come together.. 

So during these hard times of extremest  bombers, mass murders, gangs and a time of violence I pray for the people of this world that all of them find it in themselves at some point to try and better the world. Go out of your way to help someone or do something nice for a stranger.

Written by Ryan Scott Jensen Salt Lake City Utah

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Free Capitalist Blog: Francine's Domain - Scandal Brewing in Utah Government

Just when I was starting to think all hope is lost in Utah and the bright light on corruption of politicians was fading I found this gem of an article which proves my theory and past with the Division of Consumer Protections and Francine Giani. -- READ THIS LINK

All 3 branches in Utah Division of Commerce, Governor's office, and the Attorney General's office use special interests with their power. I firmly believe that.

A good question is Who is Giani rubbing elbows with? Obviously the Governor, Gary Herbert is one person. Which is an eye opener even more now with the LT. Governor of Utah Greg Bell scandal.

I know Giani hates Shurtleff, which makes gaping that bridge to the Attorney General's office difficult and has strained their relationship hence why John Swallow was speaking of taking over their dept in june 2012. He possibly wasn't able to repair the damage Shurtleff had in the past with Giani?

Also Giani is on her own war path, quick to throw John Swallow and Mark Shurtleff under the bus, but she is playing her political hat with calling them out like so. Especially as she does the same things they do with their constituents or lobbyists behind doors. She is just battling them to be the top dog on the hill. They all want the power to play for their interests. It's sickening.

Ryan Scott Jensen

We also forget the Gov is great friends with Swallow and Giani, so the bridge can be gaped there or AKA "rubbing elbows:" Also we forget many employees, officials, Attorney's like Jeffery Buckner whom works as an attorney for the Division of Consumer Protections (francine) Governor's office (Herbert) and The AG's office (shurtleff/swallow).  bounces around and can share information among departments, also probably has a few "special quirks" to the job I am sure.

There are other key employees that change divisions frequently and get special permissions to act on "special interest" cases like Glen Minson to name on imp articular person or we can look at the events of the Alcohol Scandal, UDOT is another scenario?

The Free Capitalist Blog: Francine's Domain - Scandal Brewing in Utah Government -- Read this link

But I do love this article written from the free Capitalist Blog as he is right on the button and this was written back in 2008!~ WHEN IS THE BUCK GOING TO STOP UTAH!!!!

Ryan Scott Jensen

Monday, February 25, 2013

Ryan Scott Jensen Utah

I love this video.....

We all need to come together in life and do the best to leave this place better than we found it.
Ryan Scott Jensen Utah

Friday, February 15, 2013

Stoned Drivers test their mad driving skills

Here is a video about some drivers taking driving tests while stoned. It's pretty neat to see them doing tests like these to really find out the harms and realities of marijuana use. It's a very controversial subject matter, as 18 states now have medical marijuana while 10 have it pending with 2 State "Colorado and Washington" have recreational use legal for those 21 and older.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bribe, Utah AG offers Protection for $$$

In the salt Lake Tribune a few more articles continue to publish about the history of Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow. It's getting very interesting from the new "so called" businessmen that have stepped forward two which have claim to have already spoken with the FBI about the case.

Ryan Scott Jensen Utah

Mark Shurtleff speaks about John Swallow

Looks like former AG of Utah Mark Shurtleff has been planning on throwing current and former Deputy AG of Utah John Swallow under the bus for a while now. Good article that gives a little insight to how far back this really goes.

Mark Shurtleff has been running the game for years.

SL tribune and mark shurtleff article

Deseret News article which I think is a little better written this round -I usually favor the trib

State of The Union 2013

Written By Ryan Scott Jensen of Utah

President Barack Obama will be delivering his State of the Union Speech tonight at 7 pm EST. It should be very interesting to see the message that will be delivered live on CNN and other local television stations. I am sure it will be a firm message as there has been a lot of bickering in Washington over national debt, gun laws and just about anything else that Washington can scrap over.

Here are a few other presidential State of the Union Speeches to give you an idea of how exciting this will be tonight.

Ryan Scott Jensen

Monday, February 11, 2013

Utah Utes hire Dennis Erickson

I, Ryan Scott Jensen believe Bringing in Dennis Erickson, former college and NFL head coach as an offensive coordinator for the Utes helps out big time.

It will help with Recruits, Program Prestige, Offensive Ratings, and by bringing in another experienced mind to the table should help ease that PAC-12 pressure off of Kyle Whittingham the Current Head Coach for the Utah Utes football program. They seems to have an exciting schedule with some big teams coming into town this year like USC, so they will need all the experience and offensive help they can get to be able to compete in the conference.

Ryan Scott Jensen

Sunday, February 10, 2013

John swallow has even more questions arise

The Deseret news does a great article raising and questioning john swallows contribution reports Among others things. Very well written for the conservative paper.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Ryan Scott Jensen Salt Lake City Utah

The Salt Lake City Tribune Has released an article about More politicians that have received donations from Jeremy Johnson, a businessman indicted by the FTC.  From my point of view with this latest article it would seem that Jim Matheson is the only one who properly helped Mr. Johnson. I say that because he requested help via letter so his tracks could be traced not to mention he hasn't taken a donation or dime from Jeremy Johnson. The paper also cites that Governor Herbert got a couple grand in donations  Senator Mike Lee, and some others. Here is the legit paper work by Jim Matheson

John Swallow, Did nothing similar to what Jim Matheson did and I wouldn't be surprised if others promised Johnson Something for campaign donations just like Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow do.

 I think a few more political savvy's may get tossed into this meat grinder of a shit storm we have in Utah right now. Only as more facts come out and as the truth unravels we will only start to comprehend what's really been going on behind the scenes...

Will this really clear the black eye of the Utah Attorney General's office? Which seems as if it's starting to seep a little bit over into the Governor's office?? Also Wasn't there supposed to be more Federal Indictments today February 8th 2013??

Cuban Restaurant wrecked by car

By: Ryan Scott Jensen

I wasn't there personally, however watching the video explains a lot. This car just rams right into a bar in Cuba! Luckily no one was seriously hurt in the incident. How does someone go through a wall like that? I mean are they drunk? Does there foot get stuck? How do you explain an incident like this? lol

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Iran Drone video

Iran releases video on Utah Claiming the decoded video footage and have information on our drones. This video is also on CNN this Iran Drone Video

Things could get crazy with this type of stuff floating around on the web now days.
Ryan Scott Jensen

Jay Leno's godaddy commercial

Jay Leno Smooches the wrong "go Daddy" actress or actor in this case. Jay get's duped pretty good.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ryan Scott Jensen wonders what the stake on the hill is

According to Many local Utah newspapers John Swallow and other politicians are still have questions.

John Swallow isn’t out of the woods just yet. According to a few on the Capitol Hill it sounds as if they are quietly speaking about many different scenarios with John Swallow. Although Impeachment has been short lived. Another cycle of John Swallow Stories Broke out about the current AG’s ethics of what he did and didn’t say. We just hope in a time like this, that Utah shapes up and really draws some serious lines on campaign donation reforms among many other ethical issues our public servants face daily.

We have a lot of pollution people are speaking about. We have questionable State contracts, bribe scandals, along with other various issues. There are two groups hitting Governor Herbert for slacking with pollution not to mention having controversial contracts and donations.
I believe Governor Herbert is a friend and supporter of Shurtleff and Swallow.  I have personally seen when a complain made to Governor Herbert’s office in which this complaint was made against a State Agency under the Governor’s authority and he has passed off the complaint, he didn’t offer help, he didn’t even comment and referred it directly back to the State agency the complaint was orignially made about.
From the sounds of all these reports it would seem all these “low paying” political seats are really worth getting as it’s all about raising money instead of helping the public or this State. Pretty sad that it’s taken such dramatic events to even get a small light on what these political power houses do here in Utah.
Ryan Jensen

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gabrielle Gifford speaks out to the Senate today and urges they stay strong on their fight for control and to make tighter laws. Gifford was gunned down at a political event in Arizona. Everyone thinks that guns are being taken away from them. Which is merely the case.

Put somethings into perspective. I believe there is no reason average citizens should carry "Spray and Pray" weapons. In the old days when the constitution was written they had muskets and you actually had to hand load each shot. It made you think about what the hell you are shooting at. Now days with new types of guns before you can unload a 100 round clip without a blink of an eye. Many innocent die from people having access and loose access to those types of killing machines.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hillary Clinton gets attacked about Benghazi

Ryan Scott Jensen is reporting that Hillary Clinton was attacked by the Republican Senate Panel. However she did hold her ground well! She got a little teary eyed, fierce, and showed great poise in the hot seat. I think Hillary did very well standing in there and taking the beating.

John Swallow Bribe

John Swallow was accused of bribing business man Jeremy Johnson. Of course the accusation itself comes from Jeremy Johnson whom says 600k was supposed to go to Harry Reid through Lobbyists hired from another Nevadan Businessman name Richard Rawle who is now dead.

Richard Rawle is a key missing piece to this investigation and of course he winds up passing away and throwing out a hail mary of a letter to save his buddies ass "John Swallow" before he bows out and passes and we are just left questioning... Why a death bed letter??

Utahans need clear and honest answers! Which no one not even John Swallow, The Utah GOP, nor the governor's office has clearly explained how this could of happened? A mistake?  A mistake letting these elected officials run wild, work behind the scenes deals and hide things from the public instead of protecting and serving Utah like they are paid and elected to do?

This whole scandal has been just mind blowing to see how deep politicians and the "good ol boy club" really does go in the State Of Utah.

Ryan Scott Jensen Utah explain North Korea's threat

North Korea is planning more Nuclear Missiles  launches and testing Ryan Scott Jensen. Sounds like tensions in North Korea are really starting to heat up against the USA. It should be interesting to see how the white house handles this current affair with North Korea. Kim Jong Un and his military are very questionable and quiet with their plans. The USA should be very concerned with these types of tests going on the UN nations should be watching this very closely.

By: Ryan Jensen

Wednesday, January 23, 2013