The political spectrum is just flat out embarrassing. You have Old Attorney Generals that got into trouble, you have a new Attorney General Sean Reyes doing the same shit as the old ones and protecting his buddies. The Attorney General isn't the only one covering up for his friends. Plenty of State Senators/Legislators involved to make these very complex plans work, so sadly nothing is going to change here... We as Utahans allow these same degenerative people run a muck. They have all the power in the world without ANY repercussions.
We all bitch and cry but do nothing to change things. I myself have been punished by the state of Utah, sure for my "crimes" of telemarketing which didn't occur with any fraud. I simply wouldn't pay to play with Francine Gianni and the consumer protections agency. Therefore she sicked her dog pound on me-The Attorney Generals office. I am sick of being quiet and getting ran over by the State of UTAH. THINGS NEED TO CHANGE! THE PEOPLE IN POWER NEED TO CHANGE! not for me, but for our future. IF we continue to let these people deteriorate what our fore fathers put in place no one will participate or believe in this corrupt government system and anarchy will take place.
A total of 57 people have served either the Territory or State of Utah: 14 in the Senate, 41 in the House, and 2 in both houses. The average term for senators has been 15.3 years and the average term for representatives has been 6.7 years. The longest-serving senator is Orrin Hatch, in office since 1977. The longest-serving representative is James V. Hansen, in office for 22 years from 1981 to 2003. Four women have been members of Utah's congressional delegation, Reva Beck Bosone, Karen Shepherd, Enid Greeneand Mia Love, all as representatives.
The oversight in the governors office is broken The Division of consumer protection has no boundaries or limits, Francince Gianni can sit on her high horse and pick winners and losers. WE allow unlimited campaign contributions, we don't have term limits on senate seats, we allow these people to take power and run wild with it. We have to remove the BIG Money in Politics if we want to clean anything up or better the politico world. But the Utahan Republicans won't allow this to happen. It will cripple them, it will hurt their bottom lines.
The real sad thing about this is if you have friends in high places here in Utah you won't have any issues doing whatever the hell you want to do. Nobody will stop you if you pay to play, especially the state because most of them get paid off through contributions, or side deals with their "carriage business's" or however else they can manipulate the rules to benefit like their SUPER PACS. It's sad, I personally have dealt with Senators, lobbyists, Francine Gianni and others that act so down right rude with their noses in the air as if they haven't done anything wrong their whole life. They act untouchable. ONE day I can't wait for them to get knocked right off their high horses on their asses.
They feed off each other like piranha's, they suck all the money out of business's and everday people of Utah. They get their greedy paws on anything they can get from land, to stocks, special UTA deals, special bids, to payouts under the table. It's gross and disgusting. You can't trust the government, you can't trust the FBI, you can't trust the very people in power that are here supposedly protecting citizens! ESPECIALLY people in power in this long like most of the people in Utah which they all seem to have en rooted themselves here and feast off of the blind people of Utah.
You have a governor of Utah who won a special election and was specially appointed by his own political party, whom has no term, just automatically got to serve a full term by default. WE could have held a special election that people got to vote and make their voices heard, instead Republicans let their friends in power appoint another friend to continue their death grip on the citizens of Utah. The whole process is sickening. The older I get and the more I experience I get with things, on executive, legislative, and judicial levels, the more they seem broken and tweaked towards those in power.
Even the papers here are ran by powerful lobbyists like Alan Dayton, the LDS chruch and others they call them "paper boys" it's how they earn their living. Obviously being on the board of IHC lobbyists doesn't hurt your salary or being apart of a billion dollar church but if the paper publishes certain things that hurts them directly or their companies even these special interest groups that are heavily reliant on lobbyists "paper boys" such as Dayton himself they will manipulate the press and threaten them to turn the story to their liking. CENSORSHIP at it's finest, but everyone turns the blind eye because they already have so much power and it's hard to fight them and they feel nothing can be done.
So I have decided to write about it, express myself on how corrupt the STATE OF UTAH and it's officials really are. They're afraid to let the voting process change because they like having control. This needs to change on many levels! It's time to clean house of any long standing poor politician who is doing nothing for UTAH other than corrupting the process! YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE! FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAILS. They aren't as sneaky as you think. Look at John Swallow for example, unfortunately he was the pastie for everyone else. You have to have way more than just an attorney General involved to have that type of political game plan in play.
For example, A house investigation that was induced into John Swallow. I was interviewed and discussed the problem wasn't only with John but with other political involved individuals too which included a State Senator Steve Urquhart, a lobbyist Alan Dayton and Francine Gianni among others.
You can see the power they have as they halted the further investigation by the house because their buddies were on the panel of the investigation,.
E. Other Issues Considered by the Committee In addition to the above issues, the Committee notes the following areas of investigation that it briefly pursued:
1. The Committee received allegations that Mr. Swallow may have shown favoritism in attempting to assist an organization headed by the associate of a campaign donor.The Committee reviewed relevant emails and interviewed several witnesses to examine the allegations. The Committee determined there was no evidence to support the allegation that Mr.Swallow provided any substantial benefit to the organization at issue.

SO they picked and chose who they wanted to burn. I tried to throw out a few folks as I have had emails, texts, and other communication proving more people should be burned at the stake other than Just John Swallow. You can see the response on the investigation and that it was never properly followed because of friends in high places Like Francine Gianni and the Governor. This information was also given to the FBI office in Utah-specifically handed to Scott Nesbitt and Federal Agent Jon Isakson in person with nothing being done or followed up on.
Lets go back to a Salt Lake Tribune Article from 2011 just for one instance of many that I can reference you to. You can clearly see if you pay to friendly's, you will be accepted, cared for and looked out after by the those politicians you pay for, this happens every year and will continue down this slippery slope unless UTAHANS decide to stand up, vote and get all the corrupt old timers out of politics with their pac money and money war chests. It's quite clear from the text messages above that you have to pay certain people to even be heard for a cry of help to the State. They don't care about anything unless you pay them!
It's super sad, I even went to the State of Utah Bar association and complained against Steve Urquhart and Alan Dayton but of course their buddies didn't even acknowledge the complaint. I did hear back from Steve Urquhart as he returned the money I originally sent to ALAN DAYTON. It's just sad I had to go to such extreme levels to show the corruption in the Utah Government, from The Governor's head on down we have problems with honesty, morals, ethics and leading the people of Utah.
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