Thursday, May 2, 2013

Terror in Boston

It's been  2 weeks since the Terror and bombs in Boston. There seems to be more questions and a never ending trail of them at this point then there really is in answers.

A lot of attention obviously points to two brothers Tamerlan Tsarnaev  and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Tamerian Was 26 and Dzhokhar who is 19.

I am not here to talk about the bombers and glorify them any more then the media, news and other social media outlets do.

Lets focus healing. Improving from here. It's sad we can't have a major event anywhere without having to worry if we are going to get shot, blown up, or killed.

I think this was a horrible tragedy. Just like the one in Waco Texas among many others recently. We forget in this Boston Terror, An officer was killer, by a gun. There was a shoot out for 5 minutes with over 200 rounds popping off. I hope this sparks more gun control conversations as it's more than just bombs, terrorists, and jihad-ists.

I am NOT talking about taking away US citizens guns, I am talking about restricting the ammo, maybe make the process a little more rigorous? MORE Background checks? That's a different rant for later.

I mean I saw an article the other Day on KSL about how they were wanting to crack down on youth for graffiti and how they can buy certain markers and tips or paint at a certain age. I understand it's a bad problem, but we have bigger problems obviously.

I mean if we can get down to those knit picking things, then we can do something about bomb chemicals, background checks, guns, ammunition, human trafficking and a lot of the self inflicted pain we have put on ourselves.

You hope through all this non sense and violence that only a city with  deep Roots and so much history get stronger "Boston Strong" and grows from here. You hope to see the world grow and gain some peace and it's unfortunate that terrible events like this seems to be the only reason most people come together.. 

So during these hard times of extremest  bombers, mass murders, gangs and a time of violence I pray for the people of this world that all of them find it in themselves at some point to try and better the world. Go out of your way to help someone or do something nice for a stranger.

Written by Ryan Scott Jensen Salt Lake City Utah

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