Tuesday, November 10, 2015

LDS change policy handbook... IS that really a revelation from god though?

There Recently has been multiple reports and many different feelings on the LDS church's new stance on how they view LGTB families and community.

Many members and non members are outraged, it seems this is a very divided subject and topic.

What I am sick of hearing is how the LDS church is justifying their actions with another justification.   I find it disturbing that the LDS church would have to come out with another "insight" or expand on their justification on why they feel this way.

To me it's simple, you spoke and told us how you felt, you changed your company handbook or policy booklet to adapt to the times and are discriminating people. That to me isn't revelation by god, that's man changing his perspective on a view or stance and telling people to follow blindly.

It's fine if you don't want gays, or blacks "in the 80's" or sinners in your church, you finally have spoken and said the truth on how you feel. You don't want LGTB's in your religion. IT's obvious from the money you spent politically fighting gay marriage laws in california, utah and other states which didn't work out for the Church and now the LDS church has had a REVELATION, ironically after they lose the same sex battle on a political and supreme court level they have to reiterate their hate for LGTB's.

Why should children not be allowed to have god in their life?  Even if their place of home isn't ideal for the LDS churches standard? If any person wants god in their life why deny that option?

Before you spout off saying they can attend,participate and be active still..... Who in their right mind would feel comfortable coming to church knowing that everyone is against their family and parents life's? Especially when all someone wants to do in church is worship god and not be judged for lifestyle's and sins. They just want god in their life and to be accepted regardless of their circumstances at home, but the LDS church doesn't believe in that.

The fact that you have already caused family issues and family strains in the past between parents and children, which put children in difficult situations to chose between family or faith is ludicrous and beyond words.

I understand it's against the LDS principles and word of wisdom, I grew up in the religion. But if you're not willing to accept peoples backgrounds, situations and be Christ like with open arms hoping they will change and accept your word of wisdom then people are going to see right through your fake religion and be repulsed by it for the lack of compassion, understanding, love and acceptance that you refuse to show non members. Which will kill your religion, not to mention real Christians give support, love, acceptance and show this to members and non members alike.

Mormons in my opinion are forgetting the "golden rule" of life, all this new policy stuff does is produce more questions about the religion, more hate for the church, and more confusion for families and youth on both sides of the plate.

I am not saying the LDS church needs to change their views, drop their standards and just allow gays to infiltrate their religion nor that Christ needs to lower his standards. I am saying that you should  be able to be gay, straight, black, yellow or even crazy and should still be able to attend church without the scrutiny of members and apostles that are living in the 1900's era with their asinine logic.
People just want to find god regardless if they are a child in a LGTB family or if they are a child with inactive parents, it's all the same they want GOD SO ALLOW HIM INTO THEIR LIFE! They should be able to attend the church they chose without scrutiny, they should be able to participate in blessings, baptism's and other events to get the same spiritual feeling as others if they so desire to chose so.  Not allowing people to feel those feelings in a place of church which sole purpose of that establishment to me is discrimination and very hateful. The LDS church is ignoring the golden rule.

Changing a handbook for people to follow isn't a revelation, it's  man changing the game because he doesn't like it! I highly doubt god would only speak to one man about the gay issues we have today.  Simply changing a book that was written hundreds of years ago is not revelation, it's an update to and updated Church policy. Put in place by man for man to follow!

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